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July 06, 2010


I do think that the way people use social networking is an indicator of how bad we've gotten about all this, though, whatever the cause may be. I just don't want to come off like a jerky-kneed, tech-fearing trend-piecer.

Not a chance...but I live with two teen boys who have been on FB since the start. (As have I.) Whether it causes isolation or contributes to it is to some extent moot. It's kinda there...I just overheard my 18 yo ask my husband where a cellphone charger is, a two-part response was given, and son had to ask him to repeat it..."sorry dad, I just wasn't listening".

In what world do you ask someone a simple fact-based question and then simply not listen to the answer? Online, you don't need to listen. It'll be there, on your fricking wall when you decide to attend to the information.

Or maybe I'm just a harried mom in a heatwave who's tired of BlackBerries(TM) at the dinner table.

Giving a smile away takes so little effort and time, let’s make sure that we’ve not the one that others have to pretend is wearing an invisible smile.

You should check out Welcome to NHK on these 'social maladroit' issues, here are some reviews of the novel that go into more detail: http://www.gamespite.net/toastywiki/index.php/Media/WelcomeToTheNHKVol1

Online, you don't need to listen. It'll be there, on your fricking wall when you decide to attend to the information.

At first he talks about the chickens and the dude selling the chicken food and I think WTF? but then he goes on to talking in more general way about the conflicts that arise in a perceived set of man made rules. that kinda big.

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