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September 22, 2010


I hate to follow this up with such a banal piece of academic trivia, but to my knowledge, exercise is the only thing that has been scientifically shown to increase “brain power”, so science backs you up on the physical fitness and thinking connection.

I'm having trouble understanding in what way these racers aren't enormous dicks.

Traffic laws don't fall into the category of "needless restriction of an activity that harms no one", they're in the category of "break these and people will get killed." Not an appropriate venue for a whimsical expression of counterculture.

When your aesthetic puts unsuspecting people at risk of being maimed or killed, I tend to get a bit miffed.

Luckily, I excised my questionable claim about these racers not being enormous dicks just before posting.

I excised my questionable claim about these racers not being enormous dicks just before posting.

Cosmic beautiful, Because the love of god, Flowers are beautiful, because of love, The sky is greenery is beautiful, because BaiYunZhi love, Earth is beautiful, because the love of friends! My good wishes,Through the space sent to you!

Truth is better than a thousand gold pieces, a warm WanLiHan frost, Can arrive a salute sent sweet, A salute all take my thoughts, Busy day take good care of yourself all gold and silver, A LuBao from a prairie greetings, Bring me fragrant smell. From the north's blessing, Let me feel friendship is precious.

Thank you very much for keeping me up to date.

I love bicycling, wish i could get back into it, i lost 10 pounds the first month i started, now i dont have much time for it :(

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