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January 13, 2011


One has to remember, this film was made in an era that predates todays "over sharing" of our personal lives.

Haha this post made me laugh. Of course Sherman's March is not for everyone... but if you are going to attempt to publish an "intelligent" criticism of it... well at least make an attempt at the intelligent part...

Hmm there must be some reason this "2 1/2 hour borefest" has directly and indirectly earned Ross several millions of dollars and the chance to continuously travel the world and live life in a way you will never experience.

Oh... and apparently Steve Carr/Rumpus Entertainment and potentially HBO have found this "2 1/2 hour borefest" to be worthy of paying a significant sum in order to obtain the rights to create a mainstream fiction adaptation. So now your ADHD, uncultured and action-addicted brain can check out the new Hollywood version coming sometime soon! And please don't pirate it - we're tryin to stack that paper... even if you can't afford the high-cost price of movie tickets..


So how's you're career going buddy? Go jack off to Transformers 2 on your lavish Netflix account instead of ignorantly commenting on a genre of film, a rare/complex filmmaker and one of the most genuine and hardworking people you will ever meet.


So how's you're career going buddy? Go jack off to Transformers 2 on your lavish Netflix account instead of ignorantly commenting on a genre of film, a rare/complex filmmaker and one of the most genuine and hardworking people you will ever meet.

I struggled even to summon that short list of events to mind, partly because I’ve been reading so much Toussaint lately and because his books are so similar — “I think a real writer always writes the same book,”

I follow you VIA GFC and I love your blog!

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