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April 06, 2011


There can be no doubt about the imperfection of words in the mission to convey meaning, but they are also, I think, some of our (and especially your) finest tools. After all, we're using them to discuss this.

But it's certainly worth keeping in mind that alternatives to language exist, and we ought to use them, when necessary.

In a very Herzogian way, one of my favorite blogs is a wordless one called Pictures From a Taxi. Each day is a challenge to figure out the metaphor, and I suspect it's the same way for the photographer.

Everyday we need to improve ourselves and find ways on how to express ourselves more clearly.

yeah, Chris Doyle is my fav Cinematographer and this film definitely showcases his talents with photography as well as a very unique directing and story telling style.

let's join our hands together to stop this kind of wrong doings. It may risk lives in the future if we just let them continue.

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