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April 05, 2011


I like that the last three items are individuals, and I think they might illustrate how a 26 year old could still puzzle over the question. There's a grounding that comes with having a pre-supplied job title that you don't easily find by being one-quarter Brian Eno, one-quarter Charlie Rose, and so on. Even as one responds to the "what do you do" question with "writer" or "artist" more regularly, the nature of the work is that one often has to reinvent him/herself with each project in a way that feels much like "growing up."

According to my favorite movie, "make your passion as your profession then work will become play." When I grow up, I promise to myself that I will work on what makes me happy.

Advanced grow older could bring about diseases that will really challenge vision. That is finest summarized by means of age related macular degeneration.

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