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July 01, 2011


I love that Conan O'Brien quote. Anyway, maybe everyone is just waiting to be that 10,000th listener. They're selfish. They want the Flock of Seagulls tickets you're giving away.

I completely get it.

The fact is Colin that you are good enough to do this type of stuff professionally. The issue is whether there's a big enough audience for your skills to allow you to turn pro.

Ideally, The marketplace of ideas would be the right formula to allow you to find your audience but, if it's not, then you need to draw a line under the project and move on... to try another formula... to each out and find the audience that will allow you to turn pro.

10,000 subscribers by the end of 2011 is a line in the sand and it's absolutely right that you should have that line in the sand. If MPOI doesn't make the cut, I'm sure your audience will follow you to the new formula... I know I will.

Keep it up champ! You'll get there!

because Nacho stumbles around and feeds orphans glop. Or because Napoleon wears a brown suit. We get an unceasing succession of free-standing (to use Ebert’s critical term of choice) jokes without punchlines. Now, I don’t insist punchlines — far from it — but then, why all the setup?

I have to assume something else went on behind closed doors; maybe some higher-up found his excuse not to have to pay for a promotional campaign. But this movie turns out to work with both greater ambition and greater specificity than its predecessors, which makes it a much more worthwhile viewing experience. I probably won’t watch it again, but I’m glad I watched it once.

Ideally, The marketplace of ideas would be the right formula to allow you to find your audience but, if it's not, then you need to draw a line under the project and move on... to try another formula... to each out and find the audience that will allow you to turn pro.

Si tratta, è il film assembla una serie di grandi e nostalgia del suo predecessore, potrebbe prendere una maggiore specificità nei due post ... questo era assolutamente inebriante.

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